Speaker Scribe: Shape Your Ideas into Winning Proposals and Powerful Presentations

Harness the Power of GPT-4 to Craft Tailored Conference Proposals and Engaging Presentations. Streamline Your Process, Save Time, and Increase Success Rates

How it works

Streamlining Your Conference Presentation Process


Input Your Ideas

Begin by entering the core ideas you want to present at the conference, the name of the conference


AI-Driven Proposal Crafting:

Our GPT-4 AI system steps in, knitting your inputs into a persuasive proposal, keeping in sync with the conference's themes and trends


Refine and Shine:

Inspect and refine the generated proposal. Our smart AI ensures the final output is tailored to your specific needs and the conference's themes and trends.


Presentation Creation: 

Take your proposal to the next level by creating an engaging presentation

The fastest way from idea to presentations. Period.

Take Your Conference Talks to New Heights with AI - Simple, Effective, and Innovative.

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